Monsoon Health: 10 Tips to Boost Immunity During the Rainy Season

The monsoon season demands extra caution as people become more susceptible to seasonal health issues. Even though there are some appealing aspects to the rainy season, it's crucial to be aware of potential health hazards, especially for those with conditions like high blood pressure, sensitive stomachs, or thyroid issues. Allergies, the flu, and colds are... Continue Reading →

Benefits Of Walking 1 Hour A Day

Walking is the most natural way for a person to move in space and the most accessible and simple form of physical activity. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officially recommends that adults engage in moderate aerobic physical activity (the same brisk walking) for at least 2.5 hours a week. To practice this... Continue Reading →

These 5 Massages Can Change Your Day

Take an hour to relax, it can be during lunch, after work or on the weekend. That time is more than enough: you will leave as new and with recharged batteries. Find out what the decontracting and relaxing massages, hot stones, pindas, and bamboo canes are about. 1. Decontracting massages Who does not have a... Continue Reading →

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