What Is Tumescent Liposuction?

Some believes traditional liposuction is still better though more than one non invasive technique is available. During traditional liposuction or tumescent liposuction local anesthesia is use d to numb the area.

Before the tube is injected a large volume of anesthetic solution including idocaine or epinpherin is given to shrink the blood vessels. Shrinkage of blood vessel will avoid profuse bleeding. Cannulas are inserted through incision and fat is permanently removed from the targeted area.

Depending on extent of fat is removed you may have to stay in hospital or in bed rest for several days. Discomfort along with pain, swelling and bruising is common after liposuction surgery. Surgeons may recommend wearing compressive garment till 6 weeks after surgery.

Medical science has improved significantly. Now the techniques of liposuction are more polished and patient friendly.

Prior to vaser liposuction the area to be treated is filled with saline water along with local anesthetic solution.  Saline wets the area to be treated so it becomes easily to break the fat cells through ultrasound assisted liposuction. Vaser probe is ideal to treat deep and superficial fats. After vaser liposuction liquefied fats are removed through aspiration process designed to reduce any damage in surrounding tissue.  Great success has been noticed while areas like arm, chin, neck, hip, back, knees are treated through vaser liposuction.

Smart lipo or laser assisted lipo is one of the great innovations in the field of cosmetic surgery.  Local anesthesia is used for smart lipo, which means there is no fear of losing total consciousness. Once the area is fully numb   a tiny incision is made to pass the cannula which will encases the laser fiber, under the skin. Fats are emulsified and skin regains its elasticity with laser beam.  Incisions are closed with sutures after the procedure. There is minimum bruising after having smart lipo. People who had tumescent lipo become amazed having smart lipo.

Liposuction is more than 30 years old. Rigorous study and research has made it possible to remove more fat cells without huge blood loss, less discomfort, less risk. Recent development has shortened downtime as well.

Traditional liposuction cost starts from £3500, cost can be confirm after consultation with surgeons. Vaser liposuction cost ranges from£ 2,600 to£ 6,000. Smart lipo price starts from £1200.

In 1974 liposuction was first done in US. Procedure of liposuction has been improved in 1978 by some French researchers. Liposuction was quite in demand from that period, but drawbacks like excessive bleeding and ripping in skin left this procedure behind. At present new and improved innovations has made liposuction more smart and efficient.

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